Joshua 8 years 8 months and Nicholas 4 years 9 months
September 2009
In September I took Nick out of Kindy for the day and took him ice skating. He is a born natural with a need for speed. I am looking forward to the rink opening again so I can now take both of the boys together. Josh is also a natural skater.
James and I took the boys out of kindy and school and took them to Porter Heights for a day in the snow. It was a perfect day with loads of sun, no wind and great snow for sledging.
I found Nick with my hairdryer all plugged in making the blades of his lego helicopter work. It shows what sort of mind he will have for learning. There is nothing like a boy who likes to fiddle and experiment with everything to drive their mother mad.
James' 36th birthday, with Joshua and Nicholas to help blow out the candles and eat the cake.
One cold, wet, winters day we took the boys up to the Cashmere Hills to do a big walk in the hope that it would tire them out and stop the bickering. It worked well.
We spent a few weekends at the riverbed in Amberly collecting free fire wood. The boys enjoyed having a go with the chainsaw... so did Mum!
In April we went up to Nelson for a wee holiday. Above is Nicholas with his cousin Lachlan. Below is Joshua and Nicholas with Nana Anne and Grandad Russell.