Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Year 4 Living Springs School Camp

The children walked from the Sign of the Takahe around the Port Hills and then down to Living Springs. It took a couple of hours of walking and many of the children complaining (thankfully not mine!) about the distance... city slickers!!

Navigating the mud was much more fun for those of us at the end of the line.

One smart dad managed to get us lost and led us straight down the hill towards the camp site. This cut about 30 minutes off our hike, but we all ended up with sore toes as it was rather steep.

Josh having a rare moment when he could sit and relax. It was a full on two days.

The group of boys here went out of their way to make the ropes course more challenging. They completed it blindfolded and then started each section from opposite ends and crossing over in the middle.

Josh was one of a lucky few who got the opportunity to share a sheep (with help).

All of the children got a small horse ride.

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