Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Entertainment After A Storm

The joys of living in a subdivision that floods when there is more than one days worth of rain at a time... The boys had cabin fever after two days of rain in the April/May school holidays so we blew up my old boat (it is about 25 years old) and pulled the boys up and down the flooded creek at the end of our street. It was great fun for them. The two in the boat together is enough to pull your arm out of its socket, but it was a great way to spend a freezing cold afternoon. The heavens opened yet again just as we were packing up and heading for home.

1 comment:

Miller Family said...

Well haven't you done well. Just letting you know that I haven't found any way of deleting a blogspot (not that I've looked hard) and remember that anything that you load onto the world wide web could potentially be there for all time!