Friday, January 23, 2009

Finally - Some Family Photos

Finally we have some family photos, thanks to our new tripod. It is a great wee thing that can be wrapped around any object to hold the camera. Above and below are some photos from our walk from Victoria Park to the Sign of the Kiwi. Once Nick got the hang of walking on little stones without scuffing his feet and tripping over every little bump we had a great day.

Here we have some delightful shots. We had a number of days in a row of 40+ deg Celsius, and were desperate to cool off on a regular basis. We tried having a dip at the school pool, but were hot again by the time we got home. So this was the alternative.

Yes, Josh is eight and has to pull some sort of antic in every photo!!

Joshua - 8th Birthday - 3rd January 09

Joshua spent his birthday with his best friend, Ariana. The three had a lovely time playing tennis, popping balloons and having a swim in the school pool.

Poor Nick wasn't too keen to pop the balloon.

Even Little Bear took part with a wee taste of a lolly pop.

January 2009

Joshua and Nicholas having a bed time story with Nana from Nelson.

Nicholas and Joshua spent four days practicing for their "Stone Brothers" concert. It was wonderful to see them working together so well. Over that time they did not have one cross word with one another. That in itself was fantastic!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Christmas 2008

The boys were easy to please this year. Joshua asked for "surprises" and Nicholas asked for "toys".

Nicholas came out with a balloon stuffed up his top stating that he is "fat just like Santa". Then he waddled off to his room for a wee rest.

The Egan's, Carpenter's and Green's at our house, for Christmas dinner. As always too much food and alcohol was consumed.

Sunday, January 11, 2009


Joshua was chuffed that he got an early Christmas present from Nana and Granddad (from Nelson). It is a two person dome tent and is great for entertaining two boys on rainy days in our lounge! It is just a shame that it isn't sound proof.

Queenspark (Year 2 & 3's) had a Christmas picnic at Spencer Park in December 2008. Joshua had a blast in the newly renovated sandpit. Above he is pumping water into the trench the children dug. There are also concrete animals buried in the sand for the children to dig up.

Below is Joshua's best friend Ariana.

Joshua with his Year 3 teacher, Mrs Brigitte Duncan.

The last day of school made for a sad day when Josh had to say goodbye to Mrs Duncan and his friends at Queenspark School. Next year he will start at Elmwood Primary School in Year 4.

Queenspark Kindergarten

Nicholas and another little boy at Kindy had to stand up the front of the class while the others sang them Happy Birthday.

Nicholas up close and personal with Santa at Queenspark Kindergarten. This is the first year that he has voluntarily sat on Santa's knee and not looked terrified. He was an easy child to please and asked for "toys".

Next year Nicholas will start at Rutland Street Kindergarten, as we have shifted. He will do 8 weeks of afternoon kindy, then change to morning kindy, five days a week for the rest of the year.

Nicholas - 4th Birthday - 26 November 08

Nicholas had a "family" birthday with his Mum, Dad, brother Joshua, Nanna, Poppa, Aunty Wendy, Uncle Tony, and cousins Andrew, Christopher and Jennifer, and Andrew's girlfriend Mim. We played pass the parcel, and everyone had a giggle with the blowers. And no, it isn't Christmas Day. Nick just enjoys wearing his Santa hat.