Sunday, January 11, 2009


Joshua was chuffed that he got an early Christmas present from Nana and Granddad (from Nelson). It is a two person dome tent and is great for entertaining two boys on rainy days in our lounge! It is just a shame that it isn't sound proof.

Queenspark (Year 2 & 3's) had a Christmas picnic at Spencer Park in December 2008. Joshua had a blast in the newly renovated sandpit. Above he is pumping water into the trench the children dug. There are also concrete animals buried in the sand for the children to dig up.

Below is Joshua's best friend Ariana.

Joshua with his Year 3 teacher, Mrs Brigitte Duncan.

The last day of school made for a sad day when Josh had to say goodbye to Mrs Duncan and his friends at Queenspark School. Next year he will start at Elmwood Primary School in Year 4.

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