Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Year 4 Living Springs School Camp

The children walked from the Sign of the Takahe around the Port Hills and then down to Living Springs. It took a couple of hours of walking and many of the children complaining (thankfully not mine!) about the distance... city slickers!!

Navigating the mud was much more fun for those of us at the end of the line.

One smart dad managed to get us lost and led us straight down the hill towards the camp site. This cut about 30 minutes off our hike, but we all ended up with sore toes as it was rather steep.

Josh having a rare moment when he could sit and relax. It was a full on two days.

The group of boys here went out of their way to make the ropes course more challenging. They completed it blindfolded and then started each section from opposite ends and crossing over in the middle.

Josh was one of a lucky few who got the opportunity to share a sheep (with help).

All of the children got a small horse ride.

Change of career

To date James has had careers that require the uniform of shorts, polo shirt, overalls and work boots. Today he signed a contract that will see him behind a desk and wearing a collar and tie. It think it kind of suits him!!

Monday, October 26, 2009

RIP Charles Phillip Arthur George

Sadly in mid October 2009 Mum and Dad had to have Charlie put down. He reached the grand old age of 17 years but his body started to fail him rapidly. Above are a couple of photos of Charlie having swimming lessons in the hope that it would strengthen his hind end and help him walk again after a hip dislocation. It was not to be. Charlie shared his love with all of us and it is very quiet and strange without him around. We miss you old boy.

Kaikoura Train Trip - October 09

In the Term 3 holidays Nana Anne kindly shouted us all a train trip to Kaikoura for a couple of days. Anne, Auntie Annie, and cousins Lachlan and Jack met us there. It was freezing cold and mostly wet, but we had a wonderful time. The train trip was definately the highlight, but it was also a great adventure to stay in the motel units at the camping ground.

Getting arty with the view from the train.

The Kaikoura coast line from the train.

One way to warm yourself up in the open viewing carraige. It was colder than freezing!

In a small window of fine weather the boys rode around the camping ground on this bike. It was a good way to burn off some energy after being shut inside for over 24 hours.

Nana with her grandsons Nicholas, Lachlan, Joshua and Jack.

Back to the train station for the trip home. Note the snow on the hills that wasn't there when we arrived. No wonder it was so cold.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

A Much Needed Update!

Joshua 8 years 8 months and Nicholas 4 years 9 months
September 2009

In September I took Nick out of Kindy for the day and took him ice skating. He is a born natural with a need for speed. I am looking forward to the rink opening again so I can now take both of the boys together. Josh is also a natural skater.

James and I took the boys out of kindy and school and took them to Porter Heights for a day in the snow. It was a perfect day with loads of sun, no wind and great snow for sledging.

I found Nick with my hairdryer all plugged in making the blades of his lego helicopter work. It shows what sort of mind he will have for learning. There is nothing like a boy who likes to fiddle and experiment with everything to drive their mother mad.

James' 36th birthday, with Joshua and Nicholas to help blow out the candles and eat the cake.

One cold, wet, winters day we took the boys up to the Cashmere Hills to do a big walk in the hope that it would tire them out and stop the bickering. It worked well.

We spent a few weekends at the riverbed in Amberly collecting free fire wood. The boys enjoyed having a go with the chainsaw... so did Mum!

In April we went up to Nelson for a wee holiday. Above is Nicholas with his cousin Lachlan. Below is Joshua and Nicholas with Nana Anne and Grandad Russell.